February 27, 2024


Paul urged the Romans (and us) to present their bodies as a "living" and "Holy" sacrifice, acceptable to God, letting them know this is their service of worship to God. He didn't tell them they needed to become alive or work up to a holiness worthy of presenting.
May 26, 2023

Be Transformed

Paul urged the Romans (and us) to present their bodies as a "living" and "Holy" sacrifice, acceptable to God, letting them know this is their service of worship to God. He didn't tell them they needed to become alive or work up to a holiness worthy of presenting.
March 19, 2023

Modern Day Gideon

I was reading in Judges 6, beginning in verse 11, the account of Gideon and God calling him to defeat the army of their enemy, the Midianites. Verse 11 begins,
December 16, 2022

The Santa Doctrine

Sometimes during the Christmas season, I think about what I learned about Santa when I was an impressionable kid: "You better watch out, you better not cry, Better not pout; I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town.
October 17, 2022

What’s the Disconnect?

Why can we freely and easily encourage others, but when it comes to us, a different standard applies? That can be a complicated question, but it doesn't have to be.