What’s the Disconnect?
October 17, 2022
Modern Day Gideon
March 19, 2023The Santa Doctrine
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Sometimes during the Christmas season, I think about what I learned about Santa when I was an impressionable kid: "You better watch out, you better not cry, Better not pout; I'm telling you why Santa Claus is comin' to town. He's making a list and checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty and nice Santa Claus is comin' to town. He sees you when you're sleepin': He knows when you're awake; He knows if you've been bad or good, So be good, for goodness sake."
I've been thinking about how many Christians today have the same view of God. They have adopted the same view of Jesus as they were cheerfully taught as a child about Santa.
Let's break it down. First, we are given fair warning. "You better watch out!" This guy who promises joy and the fulfillment of everything we ever wanted is everywhere. He is all-seeing, all-hearing, all-knowing. He's makin' a list, and he's going to double-check it! He's keeping score. So, watch it! If you are bad, you get nothing or, at best, a lump of coal. If you are good, you get your present wish list fulfilled. But, mind you, this is ALL conditional on your performance and behavior.
The closer to Christmas, the more I was reminded of this important truth about Santa.
What do you think about God? Do you have a Santa belief system? Let's break it down. First, we are given fair warning. Repent from your sin or suffer eternal damnation! God in heaven promises love, joy, peace, and fulfillment, everything we ever really wanted. God is everywhere. He is all-seeing, all-hearing, all-knowing. He knew us before we were born. If you sin or do bad things, God will judge you. But, if you are good or do good things, he loves you, and you will go to heaven. But remember that this is ALL conditional based on your performance and behavior. He's keeping score.
Is this your view of God? Maybe not completely, but partially?
I have some good news! Santa can't compete or compare with God!
Yes, God has given us fair warning. Repent. Matt 3:2, Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30 But, He has done so much more. He has no naughty or nice list or conditions. 1 Cor. 13:5, Rom. 8:1 He gave up his only Son to die on a cross so that every one of your past, present and future sins would be taken away. Heb. 7:27, Matt. 20:28, John 3:16 Completely forgiven. Not seen by him or even taken into account by him. Rom. 4:8, Psalms 103. That means completely! Not completely until I sin again. But completely! This is the truth. This is unconditional forgiveness. That means no conditions. Not unconditional until you sin, but always, forever, no matter the condition. Heb.10:12, Heb. 10:10 Why would he do that? John 3:16, John 15:13
He didn't stop at forgiveness. As good as forgiveness is, the gospel is a two-part story. He died and then rose from the dead. 2 Cor.5:15, John 20:17, Matt. 8:31 Why did he do that, you ask? Jesus rose from the dead to give us a new life. A new way of living. He rose to be our new life. Col.3:4, John 10:10, Gal 2:20, Rom. 6:5-8
This new life removed the obstacle that kept us from knowing our creator. Gen.2:17 You see, we are all born with a heart condition we inherited from Adam and Eve. Jerimiah 17:9 Remember those very distant relatives we rarely talk about? God himself created them. There was no obstacle between them and God. Gen.1:27 They had pure fellowship and communication with their creator. Then the apple. Well, it wasn't really about the apple. It was about the temptation in their mind that said; maybe, just maybe, there was more. Maybe there is something we could do or add to this perfect life with our creator that would make it even better. Genesis 3:4 Again, they had fair warning from God. Don't eat the fruit, or you will die. You know the story—instant separation from their creator. Things would never be the same. A sinful heart is now passed down to all generations. Genesis 3:14-19, Romans 5:12 Fast forward to Jesus and God's solution to that inherited problem, separation from him.
God was like, ok, I have a plan, plan A, not plan B, to get them back. But it has to have no conditions. Romans 5:8 Conditions don't work very well with them. (See the Law) Psalm 78:8 First, since I can't be in the presence of sin, I need to provide unconditional forgiveness. Acts 3:19, Psalms 103 Jesus will fix that with his death on the cross Matthew 27:32-56, and then I will raise him from the dead after three days. Luke 24:1-12 He will be the new life and heart I will give them. Ezekiel 36:26 That will take care of the inherited heart and sinfulness issues.
I don't want this to be symbolic. Galatians 2:20 I will need to literally live inside them. John 14:16-17 Enter the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. Christ will become their life. Rom 8:9 I will need the Holy Spirit to teach them that I have done everything for them John 19:28-30 because I already know they will think, "it can't be that easy; I have to do something." The Holy Spirit must show them they are new. Old things are passed away. 2 Cor.5:17 The old ways they used to try and get closer to me or please me don't work anymore. They now have a new identity. 1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 4:22-24 You will need to teach them that there is nothing they can do to get closer, more forgiven, or loved by me. Let them know I will only be satisfied by the complete restoration of my original relationship with Adam and Eve. I have taken care of everything. Acts 3:19-21 Tell them to enter into my rest. Heb.4:3, Heb. 3:1 Let them know this New Covenant can't be broken. They can't break it. Nothing will or can separate them from my love. Romans 8:35-39 I couldn't find anyone more dependable than myself to make it with, so I promised myself to fulfill this new covenant. Heb. 6:13 I took out the middleman.
Do you remember all the law's rules and conditions (613) and the ten commandments? Yeah, well, you are now dead to that. Rom 7:6 I have only one command: to love God and others as Christ loves you. John 13:34 Their life will be my life, and my life will be their life. Gal 2:20
Oh, and I'll give them the best gifts. How about eternal life the very second they believe? Rom 6:23, Acts 16:31 I won't make them wait until the sweet by and by. They will walk this Earth with it. How about unconditional love and acceptance? John 4:16, Ephesians 2:8, 1 John 3:1 You can't get that on Amazon! I'll make them free from everything that held the human race in bondage since Adam and Eve. John 8:36 But wait, there's more…. I will give them an inheritance.
Rom 8:17, Hebrews 9:15, 1 Peter 1:3-4, Colossians 3:24 Why? Because that's what you do with your children. I want them to have everything. What do I want from them in return? Nothing but their love. And, of course, for them to love others as I have loved them. That's it.
So you see, the Santa song is cute, but the reality of Christ is the truth! The truth will set you free!
Ephesians 5:8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light.
Important Note: If you don't know Jesus personally, you can. Romans 10: 9-10 says: 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness (rightness with God), and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. With a simple prayer of surrender and faith, you can start living the life God always intended.
Merry Christmas from Mike @ Righteous Reminders!